

The "More Than A Theory" of Evolution

(Before reading this article, I would advise the reader to take the time read the definition of  "evolution").

For many years, there has been debate over the origin of life between modern science and religion. Two of the top theories presented are Evolution/Darwinism and Creationism/Intelligent Design. There are truths in both of these arguments, but that aspect of the debate is not the reason for this article. Although, I will be dealing with evolution, the evolution I will deal with is of a different kind. It deals less with the physical origins of life, and instead, I will present a more mental and spiritual side to the evolution of the human beings.

"Abraham was not a Jew nor a Christian, but he was (an) upright (man), a Muslim; and he was not one of the polytheists."

-Holy Qu'ran 3:68

I chose the above verse from the Holy Qu'ran, because it contains a key element to the point I want to make about the "evolution of man." Those who adhere to Darwinism and the process of natural selection ask the question of "When did man begin to walk upright?" The most notable evolutionary diagram is a depiction of a primative creature that progresses through five stages and ends up at the final stage as an upright Homo sapien. In the the development of children from birth, they go through a similar stage from crawling to being able to walk. This physical process is also a sign of the the natural process of maturity that also takes place in the development of a human being.
Model of Darwin's Theory of the Evolution of Man

So, what does this say about the evolution of man on a bigger scale? Well, in a lecture recently given by The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan entitled "Put On The New Man", he said (and I am paraphasing) that prophets came to show man that he could go further. He compared them to school teachers in that no matter how much you like your first grade teacher, you will eventually have to go to second grade. This shows that God sent the prophets to progress and "evolve" man into a better product. One of the definitons for evolution in the Merriam-Webster Dictionary is "a process of continuous change from a lower, simpler, or worse to a higher, more complex, or better state; growth." God through the prophets and messengers has been raising Man up degree by degree until he reaches a valuable final product. This is why Jesus in the Bible says "Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect. (Mt. 5:48)" The valuable final product that Man is being raised to attain is, what God created us to be from beginning, a representation of Him on Earth. This is also why the Bible says, "I have said, Ye [are] gods; and all of you [are] children of the most High. (Ps. 82:6)"

According the the teachings of the The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad, a savage is "one who has lost the knowledge of themself and is living a beast way of life." Man has lost the power and knowledge of what God originally made him, which is His caliphate, or vicegerent on Earth, but God being the Most Merciful, intends to bring Man back to this position. Being upright is what is suppose to separate and gives Man mastery over all the other beasts in creation, but when man loses the knowledge of himself and the knowledge of God, then he is also turned into a beast. The Bible tells us to "count the number of the beast, because it is also the number of man; and his number [is] Six hundred threescore [and] six." Six represents incompletion or imperfection. The perfection of Man is the real evolution.


What Is Islam?: The Actual Facts


"I think that rather than condemning Islam, Islam needs to be studied by those who are sincere."

- The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan

     You have heard about Islam, but you still may not know what the world's fatest growing religion is, or should I say the world's fatest growing way of life. Relying on Western Media to give you an accurate and just knowledge of what Islam truly is would be as foolish as letting a member of the Ku Klux Klan teach an African-American Studies course. Pretty much all of the views are biased, no matter how "fair and balanced" the news outlet claims to be. Most Americans closest relation to Islam is the terroist attacks of September 11, 2001. This have engraved in the minds on many of America's citizens to automatically see Islam as a "Terrioist Religion", whether it be a conscious connection or not. A negative bias towards Islam is easy to detect. Just picture a terroist in your mind. Was a middle eastern man with a turban wrapped around his head one of the first images to come to your mind? If so, then that is a sign of a negative bias towards Islam.

     The man to whom the Holy Qu'ran was revealed to 1400 years ago, Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him), said, "One learned man is harder on the devil than a thousand ignorant worshippers." With this in mind, I will provide facts of what Muslims really believe. My intention is to specifically combat all misunderstandings, misinterpretations, propaganda, and falsehood pertaining to Islam, because once you know the truth it is hard to be decieved.

The Holy Qu'ran

     First, I will break down the word "Islam." There is nothing spooky or magical about this word. It simply means "peace." This is the key concept of Islam. Even when a Muslim greets another Muslim he wishes him peace, or as it is said in Arabic, "As salaam alaikum." Even the title "Muslim" has a denotation which is "one who engages in peace," but it also means "one who completely submits his will to do the will of Allah(God)." This makes the phrase "Muslim terroist" an oxymoron, because these are two contradicting ideas that can not occupy the same space. You can't engage in peace and cause terror at the same time.

     Many judge Islam on propaganda depicting it as a voilent religion. For this very reason, people have protested and opposed the building of Park51, a Islamic community center "near" the site where the World Trade Centers use to stand, because they see it as a defilement to the "hallowed ground." I won't go into depth about the controversry of the "Ground Zero mosque", I will only state the principlalities of it. Islam isn't to blame for what happened on 9/11. Islam codemns the taking of innocent lives. Blaming Islam for what happened on 9/11 is like blaming Jesus for the "Christian" European conquests that raped, stole, pillaged, enslaved and killed the lands, treasures, and people of indegenous nations across the whole world. The principles of Islam are not dependent on any one person. The term "Muslim" is a title. If you do not do what the title specifies, then you are not that title. A man can say that he is an electrician, but if he does not know how to restore power to a building that has lost power, then he is not an electrician.

     Some try to claim that Islam has a history of voilence dating back to the days of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), and they even go so far as to try and verify their views with the Holy Qu'ran. The Holy Qu'ran was revealed in a context, and it is decietful to take it out of that context to support a viewpoint. Yes, it is true that Middle Eastern establishment of Islam 1400 years ago by Prophet Muhammad(PBUH) involved fighting, but this was only as a means of self-defense which is justified. Those who chose to follow Islam were persecuted by those who opposed it. Islam stands on the principles of freedom, justice, and equality. This was in direct conflict to the way of life of those who were ruling by unrighteous means in Arabia during the days of the Prophet, and so, they plotted and planned to bring about a stop to the rise of Islam and the death of Prophet Muhammad(PBUH). It is interesting that those in Western civilization who oppose Islam also say that those who adhere to it are trying to ruin "their way of life.

     Finally, Islam is a beautiful way of life based on the laws that govern the universe. One who is Muslim, should not apologize for being apart of something this beautiful. The Holy Qu'ran teaches that hard trials are necessary to establish truth.This is because, in the world we live in, truth is met with great opposition by those who will be unsettled by the truth. Take for instance the Italian astronomers, Nicolas Copernicus and Galileo Galilei, both of whom where persecuted for their belief in the truth that the Earth revolved around the Sun, and not the other way around.
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